As a publicly accountable body, the governance and financial management of the Parish Council are subject to clearly defined rules. The Parish Council is also the custodian of information that is publicly available. We have therefore prepared the attached Guide to Information for anyone who may want to access that information.
The Council’s financial year ends on the 31st March each year, following which we submit the Annual Governance and Accountability Return that includes the Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement, the Section 2 – Accounting Statements, External Auditor Report and Certificate and Opinion (to be published), Annual Internal Audit Report and Notice of Conclusion of Audit (to be published) which may be viewed by clicking on the links.
You may also view the Parish Council’s Bank Reconciliation and Reserves for the last financial year, the latest Assets Register here and the latest Risk Assessment here.
Parish Council expenditure above £100 and details of expenses claimed by Councillors or the Parish Clerk over the last financial year may be viewed here.
Details of contracts awarded by the Parish Council and that were current as at the end of the financial year may be viewed here (to be published).
Other related documents are the Statement of Accounts, Declaration and Notice of Public Rights and Publication of unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return, with the Local Authority Accounts – A Summary of your Rights Page 1 and Page 2.
Regarding the current financial year, you may view the Parish Council’s summarised financial statement and details of cumulative expenditure against budget here (to be published). This document also shows cumulative income received, including the precept.
The Parish Council’s Financial Standing Orders & Regulations and our Code of Conduct are accessible by following links.
If you require sight of any other Parish Council document, please contact the Parish Clerk.